All orders are shipped from Cairo & Alex via one of our courier services companies to anywhere in Egypt.

After you place an order, you will receive an email confirming that we have received your order and are processing it. To keep you informed about the progress of your order, we will send further email notifications as we dispatch your order. Our goal is always to ship your order same-day, but depending on what time your order was placed and how busy we are, your order may take one to two business days to ship from the time you submit it.

Shipping rates & delivery time

Shipping ZoneShipping Fees (EGP)Delivery time (Business days)
Cairo & GizaBefore 11 AM, orders above 2500 EGP 45 fees
less 2500 EGP 65 EGP fees
Same day ( except Friday )
Cairo & AlexFree for orders above 2500 LE,
less 2500 EGP 45 fees
1 to 2 business days
Delta50 LE1 to 2 business days
Canal60 LE2 to 3 business days
Upper Egypt, Red Sea, North Coast and Marsa Matrouh70 LE4 to 5 business days

If you have any questions about your order please contact us at 01200889090.